Girl Rising Curriculum
The Girl Rising curriculum addresses an array of issues ranging from inquiries of global scope such as, “How do economies grow when girls are educated?” to basic questions like, “How do parents keep their daughters safe and cared for?” Through developing a better understanding of how family dynamics, poverty, political unrest, economic stability, and community expectations intersect to keep girls either in or out of school, students' views of the world will evolve.
The curriculum can be used with the free chapters of Girl Rising or with the full film.
Below, you will find the following resources:
Free film chapters
Brave Girl Rising Module

Upper Elementary
Getting Started:
Introduction to the Upper Elementary Curriculum
Encouraging Others: India and Haiti
Issue Fact Sheets provide information on the core issues surrounding girls' education and reinforce the material from the film chapters:
Scroll down to access additional resources including Fact Sheets, additional background material and other tools.

Middle School
Getting Started: Introduction to the Middle School Curriculum
Teacher Guides provide summaries of, and outline the resources for, the following film chapters:
Project Based Lessons are designed to work with multiple film chapters:
Issue Fact Sheets provide information on the core issues surrounding girls' education and reinforce the material from the film:
Evaluation: Assessment Rubric
Scroll down to access additional resources including Country Fact Sheets, additional background materials, and the Financial Empowerment Module.

High School
Getting Started: Introduction to the High School Curriculum
These Teacher Guides provide summaries of, and outline the resources for, all Girl Rising film chapters:
Project Based Lessons are designed to work with all film chapters:
Issue Fact Sheets provide more information on the core issues surrounding girls' education and reinforce the material from the film:
Evaluation: Assessment Rubric
Scroll down to access additional resources including Country Guides, video extras, additional background material, tools, and the Financial Empowerment Module.

The Financial Empowerment Module
Managing money is critical to independence, yet most young people receive little or no financial education. This module, created by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at the George Washington University, uses the stories of Girl Rising to help students develop critical skills they’ll need to become empowered individuals in a changing world.
Getting Started
Project Based Lessons
The Opportunity Cost and Evaluating Needs versus Wants lessons are aligned for upper elementary through high school. Gaining Financial Empowerment is designed for use with middle through high school students. The lessons may be paired with Wadley, Senna and Ruksana's stories from Girl Rising, available for free with our curriculum.
Downloadable Worksheets
Designed to pair with the project-based lessons, these worksheets can be printed and shared. The worksheets cover the following topics:
Opportunity Cost
Wants versus Needs
Goal setting
Monthly Spending Plan
Fact Sheets
Enhance student learning with additional context around two themes.

Brave Rising Module
This module for middle and high school-aged students, created in collaboration with Journeys in Film, is a companion to Brave Girl Rising, a powerful new film that tells the story of Nasro, a 17-year-old Somali girl growing up in a refugee camp in Kenya. Students will be engaged by the narrative of one young person’s struggle in Brave Girl Rising, but through this narrative—and with the guidance of this curriculum module—they will also gain an understanding of and empathy for the millions of people caught up in one of the greatest crises of our time.
Access the module below. You can watch the trailer here and the film here.
Middle School
High School
Additional Resources
Curriculum Grid: The Curriculum Grid connects all the Film Chapters, Teacher Guides, Country Fact Sheets, Issue Fact Sheets, Project-Based Lessons, and Common Core State Standards.