Girl Rising Films
Girl Rising began with the award-winning documentary, Girl Rising
Nine unforgettable girls, striving beyond circumstance and overcoming nearly insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams. Directed by Academy Award Nominee, Richard E. Robbins, produced by Martha Adams, written by acclaimed female writers, and voiced by celebrated actresses including Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, Anne Hathaway and more, Girl Rising helped fuel a global movement for girls’ education.
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Brave Girl Rising:
The Crisis of Displacement
Brave Girl Rising tells the story of Nasro, a 17-year-old Somali girl living in Dadaab, one of the world’s largest refugee camps. Nasro faces daily threats to her well-being. Food is scarce, water is scarcer, and danger is abundant. School is inconsistent—sometimes available, sometimes not—and for many, the perils of even getting to school are enough to stop going. Nasro is surviving by sheer will and determination. School is her lifeline and, she believes, the only hope for a better future. The odds are nearly impossible, but she is fierce, and she is brave.
Learn about the challenges of education for young people affected by displacement