Students in Mexico have the lowest reading literacy and math and science scores among OECD nations (OECD). Girls are more likely than boys to drop out of school by the age of 12. Mexico is the only Latin American country where child marriage rate is increasing.
Girl Rising Mexico
Girl Rising has been partnering with Credit Suisse's Financial Education program in Mexico since 2022, delivering our program to thousands of adolescents to build socio-emotional skills and financial literacy skills to help them achieve their aspirations and a financially independent future.
Girl Rising partners with CIAM and Glasswing to delivery a locally-relevant program that:
Builds voice and agency among adolescent girls
Builds financial literacy skills that are relevant to participants’ lives and aspirations
Engages parents, caregivers, and community members to help build a strong community of allies and supporters for girls education and financial empowerment.

Our Reach in 2023

adolescent girls
